Pint Station

The Pint Station was a unique commercial boutique project. The building was originally constructed in 1890 and served as the town’s movie theater for decades. However, the theater closed many decades ago and fallen into ruin. The new owners wanted to bring it back to life by opening an entertaining craft beer tap room, “Where Good People Come to Drink Good Beer.” Thinking in large broad strokes, Cabell Cooper Design reimagined the old rundown building with a total remodel that would transform the establishment into a welcoming urban style where customers could relax while sipping brews. All of the soft materials were selected by Cabell Cooper Design which included the lighting, flooring, countertops, mill work interior colors, and furnishings. The taproom now oozes warmth and a casual welcoming feel. I'll drink to that!

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.

Melissa Brewer Photography.